Friday, May 31, 2013

Video Exam

  • Survival of the fittest is shown in a couple of ways in the clip. 
  • A pack of lionesses attack the slowest, youngest buffalo for food.
  • The faster buffalo get away because they are faster. 
  • When the buffalo returned, they outnumbered the lionesses, which allowed them to rescue the baby buff.
  • The buffs were heavier which made it difficult for the buffalo to obtain and kill one. 
  • Both, the buffalo and lionesses, almost lost the baby buff to the crocodile which was swimming in the lake.

Monday, May 13, 2013

15-1 Multiple Choice Questions

1.Who was the individual who contributed more to out understanding of the evolution than anyone was?
a. Charles Martel 
b. Charles Barkley 
c. Charles Darwin
d. Sean Darwin

2. What is evolution?
a. change over time
b. changing pants
c. birds getting obese
d. eating food.

3. What's a theory?
a. a badly explained explanation 
b .a well supported testable explanation
c. someones idea
d. all of the above

4. What is a fossil?
a. preserved remains of an ancient animal
b. bird poop
c. remains of food
d. none of the above

Sean O'Donnnell and Joe Rinaldi did these question for Coach Mac's block 4 biology class.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Evolution Video

1.10 base pairs from the meteorite, human body only has 4
2. Single Cell organisms only have one cell. But the evidence they took from the meteorite evolves into multicellular organisms.
3. Mitosis is how the cells reproduce. No time for sex.
4. The animals begin to adapt to their environment and act as natural animals, but with mutations.
5. Periodic Table, they use this to see what ill kill the animals.
6. Catalysts-fire boosts development for these creatures.
7.Oxygen Tolerant-offspring can breath.
8. Evolution-the heat allowed the aliens to grow and get bigger, more evolved.
9. Carbon Based-is what humans are.
10. Heat in Petri dish helped the organism to rapidly grow.
EC. 34 SE is a poison to nitrogen based things. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


karyotype-a picture of chromosomes arranged in a certain way.
Sex chromosome-two of the 46 chromosomes in human body.
Autosome-thermae 44 chromosomes in the human body.
pedigree-shows the relationships within the family.

What is the difference between an auto zone and a sex chromosome?
Sex ones determine if it's male or female
What is a karyotype and how was it used?
Biologist photographs cells in mitosis and cut them into them together.
What is the pedigree? How does it explain inheritance type?
It shows how we treat is transmitted through three generations of the family.

Sex-linked genes-special pattern of inheritance for genes located on the X and Y chromosomes.
Colorblindness-an inability to distinguish certain colors.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy-the progressive weakening and loss of skeletal muscle.
Non-disjunction disorders-number of chromosomes may find their way to the gametes disorder promises may result
Down syndrome-mild to severe mental retardation
Turners syndrome-only one X chromosome
Klinefelter's disorder-having an extra X chromosome 

What are sex linked genes?

Why our sex linked genes disorders more common in males than females?

What are some examples of sex linked genes?

What is nondisjunction? When does it occur?

What are some examples of nondisjunction disorders? 
Down syndrome.

DNA fingerprinting-the technology used to analyze the cells important jeans
Restrictions on-protein the breakdown the DNA even me
Gel Electrophoreses-a way to separate DNA fragments
Gene therapy-in gene therapy and absent or faulty gene is replaced by normal working.
Vector-another word for a carrier
Virus-a small infectious agent

How is DNA fingerprinting used?
matches up DNA strands
What is the goal of the human genome project?
to decode the human genome
What is gene therapy?
genes that was broken are replaced with healthy worrking genes.

Friday, April 12, 2013

GATTACA Summary Questions

2. Would you like to live in a society like GATTACA? Why or why not?
        In my opinion I would only want to live in the GATTACA society if I am one of the top genetically engineered people like Jerome Morrow from the movie. If I was average or a below average person in society I would not like to live in the GATTACA society.

3. Compare and Contrast the "God Child" to the Genetically Engineered Birth.
     A "God Child" is a newborn who is born 100 percent natuarlly, no alterations in birth or while in the fetus of the mother. While a Genetically Enginered Birth is the way birth occurs in the GATTACA society. The babies are born within a lab by knowing the particular genetics and the lifespan of the child right as it is "born". As a "God Child", you are born and have no idea what your genetics will be or when you will die.

4. Do you feel the plot of GATTACA is feasible and would you support it? Why or why not?
     I feel that GATTACA is feasible for 2 particular reasons. The first reason why I think this is a feasible society is because that there have already been a breakthrough with genetically engineered births. In English class we read the book Brave New World, and my teacher told us that scientists have already had genetically engineered a sheep named Holly. Another reason is that this type of society does not seemed too far-fetched for how advanced our technology is. I believe in a matter of time we will begin producing genetically engineered animals and people.

Gattaca Summary

Gattaca Summery
By: Joe Rinaldi and Sean O’Donnell

In the film Gattaca, the main character, Vincent has a brother Anton. Vincent was born normally, while Anton’s parents got to choose his genes. In this world and time, everything depends on DNA, DNA is everything it’s your ticket anywhere. DNA tests are everywhere. Your cells are like a resume, and Vincent’s was horrible, he was born with a heart condition and wasn’t suppose to live very long. He wasn’t as healthy as other people, which was were disappointing for him. On the other hand, his brother, Anton was a polar opposite, he was an amazing human being. He was always taller, faster, strong, and better than his brother Vincent. There was a game that they used to play, it was called chicken, both of them would swim out in the water as far as they could, and the first one to turn back to the shore was a “chicken.” Anton would always win, until one time where Anton all most died, and Vincent saved him. Vincent was always wanted to go to space, and Gattaca was his only chance, he was denied because of his health. One day someone introduced him to Jerome, an amazing swimmer with “the heart of an ox”, he was eligible for gattaca, and no one knew that he was paralyzed from the legs down. Vincent was involved in a plan to steal and use Jerome’s identity, along with his approval. This was the perfect plan, Jerome had the perfect body: excellent DNA, the heart of an ox, and perfect vision. Vincent was going to take his body and use it as a disguise. Vincent took several steps to take Jerome’s identity. He had surgery on his legs to make him shorter, and also needed to scrub his body daily, to get as much excess skin off of himself. He used blood injected finger-tips to get into Gattaca, and also had to use fake urine to pass the urine exams. He was finally in, and was suppose to go to space, all of the sudden, the mission director was beaten to death in the control room. One of his own eyelashes fell into the hall, and the detectives found it. It registered as an invalid, which means someone had snuck into Gattaca and killed him. “Jerome’s”, identity was being threatened, he had to be on the top of his game, and needed to be on top of things. The DNA tests were getting less easy to cheat on and he pulled a few moves that saved him. Eventually they found out it was the new mission director that committed the murder. The movie Gattaca finished with Jerome finally going into space, and the real Jerome committing suicide.

Friday, March 22, 2013

11.3 group quiz

Independent Assortment- Allele pairs that desperate independently during gamete formation
Incomplete dominance- One allele for a specific trait is not completely dominant than the other
Codominance- A single gene has more than 1 dominant allele
Multiple alleles- a set of 2 or more alleles
Polygenic Traits- phenotype influenced by more than one gene

2. Describe 2 inheritance patterns beside simple dominance.
A. Codominance
B. Incomplete dominance

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Joe Rinaldi 
Sean O’Donnell
Biology Lab-Dice Probability 

Hypothesis: We want to see what the probability is of rolling two regulation, 6 sided dice. We want to find out what combination will come up the most, we both believe it will be seven.

Controlled Variable: Each die has 6 sides, and we will be using 2 dice.

Manipulated Variable: Throwing of the dice.

Responding Variable: The combination of each roll of the 2 dice.

Procedure: 1. We will roll 2 dice 100 times
                   2. Then we will record the combination of each roll.
  1. And then calculate the recorded numbers, and find what comes up the most.
Conclusion: The purpose of this experiment was to find the probability of rolling two dice. We set up a controlled experiment where we rolled two 6-sided dice 100 times. Our results from our experiment show that 8 was the most common number that came up, it has the 2nd most combinations of the numbers of the 2 dice. These results refuted our hypothesis because we said it would be 7, which has the highest probability since it has the most available combinations. Our experiment has no sources of error, you can't really go wrong with rolling dice.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Investigating Inherited Traits

1. The single double sided quarter represents the dominant and recessive alleles.
2. The probability in perfect would be 50-50 because it has 2 sides and only can land on one.
3. A coin toss is a good way to represent allele combinations because it is somewhat of a % on how and which combo is going to be.
5. No, because the genotype is the genetic characteristics while phenotype is the physical characteristics. They are 2 totally different characteristics.

Analysis and Conclusions
1. The possible genotypes would be from the male and female parents. Also it would be a hubrid.
2. I do supports that another group got the same genetically identical 'child' to us because it is a 33% chance that it is possible.
3. Nobody because in my class has the same parents as me which means my genotype is a one of a kind.
4. It is similar because there are always chances to get certain genotype from our parents. The model is different because some of these traits may never show up like in the diagram.

Here is a photo of our 'child':

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

11.2 Group Quiz

Probability- Chances of an event occurring.
Punnett Square- A square that is used to view the chances of a certain genetic cross.
Homozygous- 2 identical traits for the same allele.
Heterozygous- 2 different alleles for the same trait
Phenotype- Physical traits
Genotype- Genetic make-up

Punnett Squares are use by predicting/ comparing the results of a genetic cross.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Lab Group Quiz

Genetics- study of heredity
Fertilization- When a male and female reproductive organs meet
True-breeding- if allowed to self-pollinate, they would be identical to the parent
Hybrid- Offspring from male and female with different traits
Allele- Different forms of a gene
Segregation- Separation of alleles during gamete formation.
Gamete- Sex cells

Genes are the traits that are passed down from generation to generation.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Plant Mitosis Virtual Lab

The purpose of this virtual lab was to find out each phase that produces the most daughter cells. The procedure was to count how many different daughter cells were in each different stage of meiosis. Joe and I's results support our original hypothesis. We had initially thought that Prophase would have the most daughter cells.

Hot Potato Lab-Inquiry
By: Joseph Rinaldi and Sean O’Donnell

Purpose: To discover if there is a correlation between surface area and retaining heat.

Hypothesis: The smaller potato will retain heat longer than the larger potato because it is denser and more compact.

Materials: 1 small potato, 1 big potato, Microwave, 2 Thermometers

Procedure: 1. Gather 1 big and small potato
                   2. Heat both potatoes in the microwave for 10 minuets.
                   3. Remove from heat and take initial temperatures.
                   4.Take the temperatures of each potato each minute for 15 minuets.

Conclusion:  The purpose of this experiment was to discover if there was a correlation between service area and retaining heat. We set up a controlled experiment where we heated two potatoes, one small potato and one large potato. After we heated them up we took her temperature then every minute for 15 minutes we recorded the temperature. Our results from our experiment showed that the smaller potato lost heat quicker. These results refuted our hypothesis because we initially said that the larger potato would not retain heat as long as the smaller one. Our experiment had sources of errors which included a slight movement of the thermometer they change the temperature.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Strawberry Lab Report Conclusion

The purpose of this experiment was to be able to extract DNA from a strawberry. We set up a controlled experiment where we mashed up the strawberry and put it through a coffee strainer to try and isolate the DNA. Our results from our experiment showed us that the chemical characteristics and physical were completely different. These results support our hypothesis because we had thought that it would not be difficult to extract the DNA. Our experiment had sources of error which include being confused on which steps we had to start our experiment.