Friday, April 12, 2013

Gattaca Summary

Gattaca Summery
By: Joe Rinaldi and Sean O’Donnell

In the film Gattaca, the main character, Vincent has a brother Anton. Vincent was born normally, while Anton’s parents got to choose his genes. In this world and time, everything depends on DNA, DNA is everything it’s your ticket anywhere. DNA tests are everywhere. Your cells are like a resume, and Vincent’s was horrible, he was born with a heart condition and wasn’t suppose to live very long. He wasn’t as healthy as other people, which was were disappointing for him. On the other hand, his brother, Anton was a polar opposite, he was an amazing human being. He was always taller, faster, strong, and better than his brother Vincent. There was a game that they used to play, it was called chicken, both of them would swim out in the water as far as they could, and the first one to turn back to the shore was a “chicken.” Anton would always win, until one time where Anton all most died, and Vincent saved him. Vincent was always wanted to go to space, and Gattaca was his only chance, he was denied because of his health. One day someone introduced him to Jerome, an amazing swimmer with “the heart of an ox”, he was eligible for gattaca, and no one knew that he was paralyzed from the legs down. Vincent was involved in a plan to steal and use Jerome’s identity, along with his approval. This was the perfect plan, Jerome had the perfect body: excellent DNA, the heart of an ox, and perfect vision. Vincent was going to take his body and use it as a disguise. Vincent took several steps to take Jerome’s identity. He had surgery on his legs to make him shorter, and also needed to scrub his body daily, to get as much excess skin off of himself. He used blood injected finger-tips to get into Gattaca, and also had to use fake urine to pass the urine exams. He was finally in, and was suppose to go to space, all of the sudden, the mission director was beaten to death in the control room. One of his own eyelashes fell into the hall, and the detectives found it. It registered as an invalid, which means someone had snuck into Gattaca and killed him. “Jerome’s”, identity was being threatened, he had to be on the top of his game, and needed to be on top of things. The DNA tests were getting less easy to cheat on and he pulled a few moves that saved him. Eventually they found out it was the new mission director that committed the murder. The movie Gattaca finished with Jerome finally going into space, and the real Jerome committing suicide.

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